Spring has come !

When driving through the country side on the way to the Kiev-Golf-Club, we see that many birds have arrived:

Most of the nests of the storks are already taken and the storks are busy repairing them after the long winter.

One of the farmers sells something strange as you can see in front of his house: ostrich-feathers and eggs!
We stop and have a look into the backyard. There they are - we see about 5 ostriches.

Maybe we should go there and ask for some meat next time we come by?

Golf will never take off in Kyiv !!

During the last months, we have had a couple of encounters with the Ukrainian "Golf scene", and it has become clear to us that Golf will never take off here. Some of the goodies:

1) there is a Ukrainian Golf association, and there is a German-Ukrainian Golf Association. At one of the local get-togethers we met its president, Michael Hamalij. He is a nice guy, full of energy and currently planning the next edition of the "Ukrainian World Golf Challenge". This bi-annual 1-week long event shall take place in Germany next time. See some pictures of the last event, that took place in Vancouver, Canada. Why did also all the other Ukrainian World Golf Challenges take place outside Kyiv? Maybe because of the attractive locations, such as Australia, Hawaii, ...
But most probably because given the attitude of Ukrainia golf clubs, it must be simply impossible to organize a proper golf tournament with more than 2 participants.

2) Sylvie's Birthday came up again, and the golf season was about to start. So what's better than to offer a day out on the golf course, with some pro to get us up to speed quickly? Kyiv-golf-center http://www.golf-center.com.ua/?tid=1&lng=en offers such a course April 18-19, plus an Easter party for the kids on April 19. So we must go. But registering is not so easy:

+ When you send an E-mail in English to the contact address you simply get no answer. When Peter called to follow-up, English speaking Olga complained: "but that's clear, if you write in English, nobody understands. You need to call me." After some conversation she promisses to change the contact address, now you can send a mail to her directly from the web site, if you correct the spelling mistake.

+ The web (and Olga) say you need to register via the internet-registraton form. Don't look for it- it's not there! So I sent another mail in english (copy to Olga).
As expected - no response

+ When Sylvie does her guided tour of House of Chimeara, Peter and the kids drive secretly to the golf center to register personally, so to say as last resort before Sylvie's birthday.
As expected - No registration forms available, we go home, worried.

+ After Sylvie's birthday, we go there again. From the site we call Olga. She confirms our registration which she had accepted over the phone when we had talked to her last time !!!!
But now the people want USDs in cash from us, 2 weeks in advance of the course.
Unacceptable for us, so we go home again, this time pissed off.

3) April 18 - perfect golf weather, all 4 of us are keen to hit the first balls in the season. We decide to try Kyiv Golf club, about 1 hour west o Kyiv. http://www.kievgolfclub.com/golfstream/en/main
When we get there, the guards won't open the door. They say - opening of the season next week. When we talk to the sales manager over the phone, she explains that this year they will only accept members (reportedly some 16 so far) and people who registered upfront (probably you have send Euros in cash before they let you in). We wish her good luck for commercial survival (she will need it) and drive off to the Kyiv Golf Centre.

4) finally, we make it! we can really buy 2 buckets of balls and play. All 4 Zehetners enjoy it, meet the local Pro and have a chat with this nice guy.
Given the difficulties for newcomers, he will have a lot time to talk to the few who really get there in the future!
Anyway - this time we drive home - happily!!


Heating period is ending

Kyiv, April 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Kyiv's
central heating will be turned off on April 14 because of the favorable weather
conditions. This was announced by the Kyiv City
Council press service, referring to First Vice Mayor Anatoliy Holubchenko.
He said that a respective decree of the council is
currently being prepared. According to
Holubchenko, apartment houses will be the first to have their heat supply
switched off. Central heating will be cut in this sector by the end of next
week. Medical and education institutions will have
their heating switched off at the request of their directors.
The heating season in Ukraine traditionally starts
on October 15 and ends on April 15.

We will see, if this will cool off the heated towel racks in our bathrooms.
....... ;-)