Professional Day

One of the nice remainders from former Soviet Union is the annual "Professional Day".

In the communist days there was a special day for each profession - the accountants, the policemen, the secret service, the railway worker, and so forth. On this day, all people belonging to this group of professionals were celebrated. That meant of course - they did not work, instead they received some presents from all those who want to make sure that the good relations are being preserved for another year.

November 16 is the day of the people working in telecommunications.
Nowadays this does not mean for all peope working at Ericsson, that we don't work. But some of our partners in Ukraine - the more administraive the more they remember - never forget to send cards with their appreciation and some of them also bring presents and use this day as a good reason to care about fostering the good relations.

So on November 16 Peter received a bunch of nice cards from various organizations, had interesting meetings with these business partners and felt that this is definitely one of the nice things when working here in Ukraine.

The unsolved question: Where is the calendar in which you can read about all those days?


Time for Vitamines !!

Peter got the possibility to buy fruits from the local wholesaler. So before the whole family came back from Vienna, the first order was made and delivered home by Peter.

It's meant to be buying for something else than normal households - buying by the crate.

This time we got Avocados and Ananas, and they really came in great quality, much better than in the super market! After 3 days enjoying the idea to have almost endless supply of these fruits at home now, we have been successful in eating at least 3 Ananas & 3 Avocados.

Now we will visit www. Chefkoch.de much more often to make sure we don't only eat Curry and Guacamole every day ...


Swine Flu - the Austrian Perspective

Stuck in Vienna, the 3 girls try to make the best of it.
We have done the vaccination against the normal flue (influenza) and will do the one against swine flue next week, as soon as it is available. The vaccine against H1N1 is not available in Ukraine, so we prepare ourselves before our return.
Our landlord confirmed yesterday, that we can prolongue our stay.
Peter managed to rebook our flights for later in November.
Now we are only waiting for the OK from the French School in Vienna that the kids may attend school here as long as our school is closed.
Yesterday, as we were listening to the news on the radio, the first 2 headlines had an Austria-Ukraine context: the first one was about the upcoming gas-crisis (Putin warned the EU yesterday, that Ukraine was not fullfilling its obligations) and the second one was about mouth covers (leftover respiratory masks from last winter are donated to Ukraine by Austria).
The girls are in Baden with Oma for 2 days and meanwhile Sylvie is working on her new project (yupeeh!).
Snow fall began yesterday, so we had to go shopping for snow boots because of our unexpected extension of stay. A friend also helped us out with kids' clothes - that we hadn't brough in sufficient quantity.
Feeling like fugitives, but in a very priviliged situation. Improvisation rules!


The Swine Flu - Ukrainian Reactions & Thoughts

Since earlier this week, there were several cases of deaths in the Western parts of Ukraine - Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil. About 20 of the deaths have been attributed to the so-called swine flu. For more details, see below.

The government and the President have acted with all force and decisiveness, as they all want to save the country in their possibly last days of power.

Schools, Universities and other places, where people get education are closed for the next 3 weeks. Why so long? Bad mouths say that's because 2 or 3 weeks holiday in Egypt are so much cheaper than 1 week and then a prolongation.

All other places, where you maybe meet many people, but your brain is not used as much continue to work normally - metro, busses, offices, ...

Cinemas, concerts and football matches (despite the fact that the latter normally doesn't cause high brain activity) will not happen, for some time.

The prime minister declared that the ongoing campaign for the presidential elections (by the way - did you forget that this is the over-arching theme here at the moment?) shall take a break. Some people say, that was declared on Friday because the president had planned a big event on Sunday, but that's of course not confirmed. Others say that's because politicians want to accompany their kids to Egypt.

What does it mean for us?

1) Sylvie and the kids will stay in Vienna until the dust is settled, the virus is frozen, the worst is over and school starts again

2) Life has changed for the one that's stuck in the chaos:
a) When Peter went to the big Halloween-party organized by the US-Marines, the most popular costumes were doctors, nurses and swine-flu-virus-carriers.
Small detail: the house of the Marines is a cool place. Behind the bar they have the flag of the US-marine corps side-by-side with a huge Lenin-sculpture. Spooky. Who of those who know the cold war would have thought that would become possible in our life time?
b) the safest place outside th apartment seems to be the golf course, as there are VERY few people there. Luckily the weather was good this week-end, so the afternoons were spent there. Spooky - where to go when they close next week-end?
c) When Peter goes to the supermarket, it's crowded and there are few people with masks (Peter hopes to get one next week). Spooky again, better to avoid these many people, so shopping will now happen only late in the evening or in the early morning.
d) Can Peter go to the upcoming match of the champions league on Wednesday ???? Will Dynamo Kyiv play in a spookily-empty stadium?
e) The office is still working normally - will there be any cases of flu? Then we have to close down the office and make it also a spooky place - empty for weeks of quaranteen.

For all those who don't understand what's going on - we recommend to read: "Die letzte Liebe des Praesidenten" (The last love of the president) by Andrey Kurkov. You will find some useful hints to what's going on.

If you need some objective information about the situation, please read the information from the German Embassy as of yesterday:

29.10.2009, 16.00 Uhr, Auf der Homepage des ukr. Gesundheitsministeriums wurden folgende Zahlen (Stand: 29.10.2009) veröffentlicht:
In den drei westukrainischen Oblasten Ivano-Frankiwsk, Lemberg und Ternopil sind insgesamt 37923 Personen an Grippe erkrankt, davon sind 951 im Krankenhaus und 30 verstorben. Weiterhin hat das ukrainische Gesundheitsministerium auf seiner Homepage am 30.10.2009 folgende Angaben des Gesundheitsministers veröffentlicht: Das Institut für Epidimiologie und Infektionserkrankungen hat 22 Proben von Erkrankten untersucht. 11 Untersuchungsergebnisse ergaben Grippe Typ A und davon sieben A/H1N1-California. Die Experten des Viruslabors des Gesundheitsminsteriums haben 8 andere Proben untersucht. Vier davon ergaben Grippe A/H1N1-California (Eine Probe davon war von einem Verstorbenen). Anmerkung: "A/H1N1- wird auch als "Schweinegrippe" bezeichnet.

31.10.2009, Auf der Homepage des ukr. Gesundheitsministeriums wurden folgende Zahlen (Stand: 31.10.2009, 09.00 Uhr) veröffentlicht:
An Grippe erkrankt in der gesamten Ukraine:
164.000 Personen (davon 48.700 in Lemberg, 29.600 in Ternopil, 17.600 in Ivano-Frankiwsk, aber auch im Osten der Ukraine Donezk 15.000 und Charkow 10.200)
Davon im Krankenhaus: 5239
Davon verstorben: 39 (alle aus den westlichen Oblasten der Ukraine, so zB. 14 Verstorbene in Lemberg, 13 in Ternopil und 6 in Ivano-Frankiwsk)

Einschätzung der Krankheitsschwere
Auszug aus der Homepage des Robert Koch Instituts: "Nach Einschätzung der WHO vom 16.10.2009 verursacht die Neue Influenza nach wie vor in den meisten Fällen milde Krankheitsverläufe ohne Komplikationen und mit vollständiger Genesung. Besorgniserregend ist aber der schwere und bei der saisonalen Influenza so nicht bekannte Verlauf bei einer geringen Anzahl von Fällen, der zu beatmungspflichtiger, intensivmedizinischer Betreuung und zu Todesfällen insbesondere auch in jüngeren Altersgruppen führt. Obwohl das Risiko eines schweren Verlaufs für bestimmte Personengruppen deutlich erhöht ist, können auch gesunde junge Erwachsene sehr schwer erkranken."

30.10.2009, Beschluss des Ministerkabinetts der Ukraine hat die Nr. 1152 vom 30.10.2009. Dieser Beschluss besteht aus 18 Punkten von denen vier wesentlichen sind - sie lauten in deutscher Übersetzung:
"1. Ab 30.10.2009 wird im Hoheitsgebiet der Ukraine die höchste Stufe der Gefahr der Verbreitung der Grippe A/H1/N1/California/04/09 ausgerufen, und die Durchführung jeglicher Massenveranstaltungen wird verboten.
2. Ab 30.10.2009 wird für 3 Wochen die Quarantäne in den Gebieten Winnyzja, Wolhynien, Transkarpatien, Iwano-Frankiwsk, Lwiw, Riwne, Ternopil, Chmelnyzky und Czernowitz angeordnet.
3. Die Forderungen des Gesundheitsministeriums in den Bereichen Prophylaxe und Kampf gegen die Ausbreitung der pandemischen Grippe sind von allen Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens, Unternehmen, Institutionen und Organisationen unabhängig von deren Eigentumsform verbindlich umzusetzen.
4. Das Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft und andere Behörden der Exekutive, die Bildungseinrichtungen verwalten; der Ministerrat der Autonomen Republik Krim, die Gebietsverwaltungen sowie die Stadtverwaltungen von Kiew und Sewastopol müssen ab dem 2. November 2009 für drei Wochen Ferien in allen Bildungseinrichtungen unabhängig von deren Eigentumsform anordnen und Vorschuleinrichtungen für Kinder schließen." Den vollständigen Text dieses Kabinettbeschlusses finden Sie in ukrainischer Sprache unter:
Der Botschaft liegt die Übersetzung des Erlasses Nr. 996 vom 30.10.2009 des Ministeriums für Bildung und Wissenschaft der Ukraine vor, der sich auf den o.a. Ministerkabinettsbeschluss Nr. 1152 bezieht. Im Erlass wird die Einstellung des Lehrbetriebs... an Bildungsstätten in der gesamten Ukraine für drei Wochen beginnend ab 31.10.2009 angeordnet.

Anmerkung zum Begriff Quarantäne:
Nach Kenntnisstand der Botschaft wird in der ukrainischen Sprache das Wort "Karantin", das ins Deutsche mit dem Wort "Quarantäne" übersetzt wird, bereits verwendet, wenn -wie im vorliegenden Fall geschehen- Bildungseinrichtungen für einen bestimmten Zeitraum geschlossen werden. Die Botschaft hat bisher keine offiziellen Hinweise erhalten, dass im vorliegenden Fall von den Behörden Maßnahmen im Sinne des deutschen Wortes "Quarantäne" - also z.B. Isolierung von Personen, Transportmitteln und Gebäuden oder Regionen ergriffen worden sind. Die deutsche Honorarkonsulin in Lemberg hat der Botschaft am 31.10.-9.30 Uhr mitgeteilt, dass von einer Quarantäne im deutschen Sinn keine Rede ist. Sie wird die Botschaft diesbezüglich auf dem Laufenden halten.