Ukrainian version of Simplicity

Before the X-mas vacation, Peter tried to set up a voice mailbox to his Ukrainian mobile and started that activity in the last hour before leaving … to cut it short, it didn’t work out like that.

Having been in mobile business for some time, and having eaten the “1-click” requirements for services to be successful, we need to share with you this piece of original text from Peter’s customer’s web-site (yes, it exists also in English, that’s the best news for the start !!!).

Here it goes:
How to connect and setup Voice Mail service?

In order to connect service you should submit an application in Customer Care Centres or address your coordinator.

Personal mailbox setup:
call 775 number;
enter default password 4444 and press #;
listen to the general instructions in order to learn how to use service and:
— setup new password (1—6 symbols);
— record Ordinary Greetings and Greetings When The Line Is Busy;
— record Voice Signature.

Advice! Think of and record interesting greetings and your friends will enjoy leaving messages for you.

!!! remark from the editor: if you think that’s reasonable and you are getting there, read further. For your information: if you call 775, the system will simply hang up. Here is what you get when you follow the link “coordinator”:

Coordinator is a representative of your company authorized to control servicing of your employees in XXXX's (name known to the editor) network.
While concluding an agreement you, as well, register Coordinator. After submitting application for coordinator's rights registration and letter of attorney, Coordinator will be able to resolve the majority of servicing questions by phone or with the help of computer.

!!! remark from the editor: please note that your company coordinator will be “able to resolve the majority of servicing questions by phone or with the help of computer” !!!

Let’s skip the other 3 links that are needed, you should have received the message …. if you are able to set up your personal voice mail in the network of Peter’s customer within less than 1 week, you deserve a gold medal and get a free subscription for the time of your stay in our guest room!!!

Final remark: Peter tried again today, with the help of his assistant, as the voice services are only in Ukranian. After 30 minutes calling all the mentioned numbers and trying everything, they gave up. Let’s hope our “Co-ordinator” has the right document, power of attorney and rights registered.

Let's not mention the name of this mobile network operator here at this point in time.

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