Philharmonia and Ballett

The Cultural program is taking shape:

1) Philharmonia is a great place to listen to classical music.
Sylvie and Peter went to listen to one of the local "great names", which proved to be a great event. Sylvie accused the Ukrainian solo-singer for too much decolletee, this view has for sure not had a negative influence on our total impression (sorry guys - no photo allowed).

2) The week later we listen to Mozart and Mahler. This time the complete "Ukrainian National Philharmonic Orchestra" is on stage, including Solomia, Nathalie's violin teacher. What we did not know: This concert was sponsored by the Austrian Embassy. So we met some well-known fellows: Mr. Wuketich, the ambassador and his familiy, whom we know since our visit to the German church (Mrs. Wuketich is the red-haired lady sitting one row in front of us). Also the riddle of some well-known faces without name from the Austrian Stammtisch is solved by the Kulturattache and other people from the embassy. This time the solo singer is Austrian, Ms Wallisch, no Ukrainian styling on her, but also a good voice and nice to talk to after the concert.

3) Kid's opera and ballett: There are probably few places in the world, where there is a big theatre for "serious music" only for kids, on Kontraktova Ploschad in Podil, a famous part of Kyiv. We saw Tchaikovski's Dornroeschen. The kids took a close look at the Orchestergraben before the performance. During the break we went up under the cuppola. We find a huge empty room with a red piano which is used as atelier for the painter of the next scene. Whose shoes will these be?

Award for the best performance goes to the "boese Fee" who wished death to Sleeping Bild hinzufügenBeauty. Isa and Nathie think it was very unjust that she did not get flowers in the end, so we have to goback with flowers and give them to her next time.

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