Back on the ice !!!

With temperatures below -15 celsus outside for more than a week, it's time to get back to the frozen waters. (By the way - colder temperatures are forecasted for next week)

We went skating on a pond west of Kyiv, where friends of ours live in a nice house. For those who don't have the experience: Comparing skating in such conditions to indoor-skating is about the same difference as between off-piste skiing and a well prepared "Blaue Autobahn".

Needless to say - we couldn't stay outside very long. But you should see those ice fishers, they drill hole after hole, sitting there for hours drinking vodka!

Ericsson's new program to increase "time with customer"? :
temperatures in Peter's office have gone down to approx. 15 (at least +) , and a cold wind is blowing through the non-existing isolation round the windows. At such circumstances it's a question of survvial to organize a meeting at the customer's premises once per day to warm up.

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