The best at last - Tennis in Kiev

Since I met my neighbour Jed about 1 year ago, we both re-started our previously disrupted career of amateur tennis players. After some tough lessons from our bodies in the beginning, which made me get shots into my shoulder for more than 2 weeks to get rid of the pains, things have improved and we really enjoy the game.

So this time we managed a last game "na ulitse" at ZSKA Kiev, at refreshing 10 degrees with sometimes wind. Anyway, after 1 hour of the usual fighting at the baseline between Jed and myself we got help: Daria (who has become the missing link to my tennis guys in Moscow) and Anna (an upcoming Ukrainian tennis star if she continues like this) joined us for mixed doubles. Needless to say - the ladies raised the level of the game. Can this really have been my last tennis match in Kiev???

Thanks to Jed for great time in Kiev, looking forward to the next game, whereever in the world it will take place - Moscow, Key Biscane, Islamabad, ...

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