Getting started for Music: Buying a Piano

Oct3 after lunch, Peter and Isabelle meet with Lena, the piano teacher to check out a piano that is for sale.

Meeting point: A Metro station on the other side of the river.

The way to the “storage” is an adventure, leading through deserted ex-production areas, a real ex-soviet-feeling is guaranteed!

At the final destination,
in one of the garages, “the master” keeps our piano and some parts of other pianos

Isabelle’s teacher tests the piano, thinks it’s good enough, so we agree on the final price (400 UAH for the piano, 200 for the transportation, 240 for the strong men, and 200 for the tuning. The sum of 1.040 UAH is some 150 Euros). Isabelle is happy and we drive off.
We wait for delivery … but we can be sure it will come, as no payment was made yet.

While we wait for the piano to be delivered (will it really come here?), we prepare for our first “big dinner with guests” with Martin from Kyivstar. We didn’t manage to buy meat for Schnitzel, so Isabelle helps to prepare the usual “Indiander-Fisch”, but it’s bigger than in Vienna, like many things here …

During dinner, the piano man calls and agrees on a delivery time tomorrow at 1pm with Peter…. in Russian!
On Monday, Peter changes the delivery time of the piano to 4pm-5pm (over the phone in Russian!).
It's Sylvie’s first real working day in our home-office: the printer works for the first time, the noisy repair works in the neighboring flat are quite restrained today,….maybe the deadline for her report to the Austrian Ministry can be met!
The piano arrives at 5:30pm, 2 strong men carry it inside, then the master (http://www.musicsalon.info/) takes it apart and tunes it for 1,5 hours. The piano is from a state combine in Moscow and the inner mechanics are from St. Petersburg.
Then he discusses storage problems for Steinways and other large pianos with us. Peter is tempted to give our new piano away and host a better piano for free. After some discussion, we decide to stick to what we have and propose the big piano to friends who don't have one already. Anybody interested?

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